Thursday, 21 May 2015

BBC Horizon programme on the effect of alcohol consumption : This recognition of the toxic effects of Alcohol might open eyes to the need for research into the toxic effects of Chlorine - the other regularly ingested toxin in the West

Yesterday a BBC Horizon programme looked at the effects of binge drinking on health where a 'binge' is a lot less than most people think: 6U in a day for a woman, 8U in a day for a man.

They presented evidence that high levels of alcohol causes
- inflammation of the gut (leading to bacterial toxins in the bloodstream - endotoxins)
- inflammation of the brain causing headache (largely due to breakdown product of alcohol acetaldehyde + shrinkage of an important area, the hippocampus
- inflammation of blood vessels so they become clogged up (the main cause of strokes and heart attacks)
- inflammation of the liver of course

The reason for the inflammation is the toxicity of alcohol on cells.

Perhaps the recognition that ingestion of alcohol causes inflammation throughout the body might lead to more research into whether ingestion and inhalation of chlorine could be just as damaging. They are both toxic to cells.

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